Studio for rent in Cluj-napoca, zone Zorilor
Cluj-Napoca, Zorilor
1 room • 24 sqm • 1 bathroom • floor 1/4 • semidecomandat
stare buna • mobilat complet
rent price
Real estate Agency Welt Imobiliare is offering for rent studio located in Cluj-Napoca, zone Zorilor. Studio comfort 1, semidecomandat situated in floor 1 and it has 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, 1 balcony The studio is stare buna. It has parquet, sand stone, faience, washable walls, gas counters Among finishing there are: pereti (vopsea lavabila, faianta), podele (parchet, gresie), stare interior (buna), ferestre cu geam termopan (pvc), usa intrare (metal) Among equipment we are mentioning: bucatarie (mobilata, utilata), contorizare (apometre, contor gaz), mobilat (complet), dotari imobil (interfon)
General utilities: Electricity, Water, Gaz, Drain
Heating system District heating
Finishings Parquet, Sandstone, Faience, Washable
Equipment Gas meters
Views number: 1003